
For ordinary periodic Schur decompositions, the basic API (pschur) is as follows:

p = period_of_your_problem()
Aarg = [your_matrix(j) for j in 1:p]
pS = pschur!(Aarg, :R)
your_eigvals = pS.values

The result pS is a PeriodicSchur object. Computation of the Schur vectors is fairly expensive, so it may be suppressed via keyword arguments (wantZ=false).

For generalized PSD, the basic API is as follows:

p = period_of_your_problem()
Aarg = [your_complex_matrix(j) for j in 1:p]
S = [sign_for_your_problem(j) for j in 1:p] # a vector of `Bool`, true for positive.
gpS = pschur!(Aarg, S, :R)
your_eigvals = gpS.values

The result gpS is a GeneralizedPeriodicSchur object. For the common case of lefwards alternating A (not inverted) and B inverted, see gpschur.

For a partial periodic Schur decomposition, the basic API (partial_pschur) is

    pps, hist = partial_pschur(Aarg, nev, which; kw...)

The result is a PartialPeriodicSchur object pps, with a summary hist of the iteration. pps usually includes the nev eigenvalues nearest the edge of the convex hull of the spectrum specified by which. The interface is derived from the ArnoldiMethod package, q.v. for additional details.

Operator ordering

The :R argument indicates that the product represented by pS is prod(Aarg) i.e., counting rightwards. In many applications it is more convenient to number the matrices leftwards (A[p]*...*A[2]*A[1]), corresponding to an orientation argument :L.

At present, partial_pschur is only implemented for the left orientation.

Operations on the decompositions

For eigenvectors, see eigvecs. For reordering of subspaces, see ordschur!.

Krylov-Schur with GPUArrays


The GPU capability should be considered experimental; testing is in progress.

The Krylov-Schur code can be made to do Schur/Ritz-vector operations (mainly, multiplication by the A matrices or operators) on a GPU by use of LinearMaps. Currently it is necessary to inform the code that unusual arrays are in use by providing an initial vector of the appropriate type as the starting vector for the iteration. For example:

using LinearMaps

As_d = [cu(A) for A in As]
n = size(As_d[1], 1)
T = eltype(As_d[1])
Amaps = [LinearMap{T}(v -> A*v, n, n) for A in As_d]
v0_d = cu(rand(T, n))
ps, history = partial_pschur(Amaps, nev, LM(); u1=v0_d)

Note that the first run will take a very long time because of all the compilation.